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Hip Hip Hooray in Education...

Ever thought why historically and the world over defence forces use sports and physical education as the main medium of their training. Is it just about fitness or it is a proven fact for them that it is one of the strongest and most powerful grooming tools? In an extremely hierarchical organization, sports become the levelling ground. All are same in the sports field. Everywhere you can command absolute obedience based on your seniority, but in the playfield, you must earn it based on your skill and contribution to the team. You have to experience it to understand how powerful a medium it is to instil personality traits.

High Fives…School morale and spirit….Pride of the school team jersey…Camaraderie of the team members….These are undoubtedly each person’s unforgettable and precious school memories. But in today’s competitive world of education, how many get to experience this? Most importantly, why are such memories more everlasting and unforgettable compared to the facts, definitions and theorems of your favourite subject in school? Therein lies the proof to the fact that a sports culture leaves an everlasting impression on an individual.

The new mantra of the today’s education policy acknowledges the fact that comprehensive education is not just academics, but a comprehensive approach to the holistic development of a child and the undeniable fact that physical education or sports play a very vital role in it.

According to the World Economic Forum, the 10 skills that will be most coveted in this century are as below and these qualities are to a very great extent a direct by-product of efficient and constructive sports education by well qualified and competent coaches and educators.

1. Complex Problem Solving

2. Critical Thinking

3. Creativity

4. People Management

5. Coordinating with others

6. Emotional Intelligence

7. Judgment and decision making

8. Service Orientation

9. Negotiation

10. Cognitive Flexibility

Infinite Power of Physical Training or Sports is needed in nurturing quality education. One of the predominant, as well as an indispensable factor required in education as well as sports, is discipline – a word which originates from the word disciple – meaning the follower of a learned teacher. Hence training under a competent coach helps develop obedience, endurance, self-esteem, dedication and determination. Certainly, the most important attribute sports grants children are the ability to build resilience and how not to succumb to adverse situations in life.

Life qualities cultivated for the integral and comprehensive development of a child. While academic learning inculcates qualities like mental development, reasoning power, vocational competency etc. in children, physical training nurtures in them capabilities like leadership qualities, patience, team spirit, tolerance, will power etc. to name a few. Actively engaging in sporting activities has certifiably proven to be therapeutic in effect and engaging in their favourite sports activities reduces unsupervised free time and boredom, thereby reducing the chances of children turning to unhealthy habits and practices.

Sports provide an excellent platform for students to get education scholarships or placements to attain their career goals. India being a country of abundant unacknowledged and underprivileged talent, sporting participation at school and college levels will lead the way to a wide range of opportunities.


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